Clearing Burdens on our Lungs with Essential Oils

Clearing Burdens on our Lungs with Essential Oils

Burdens on our Lungs

  Little do we really know these days of the impact of the pollutants in the air we breath, until we really look in depth to our epithelial cells of our lungs.  The damage is extreme.... but there is a way!

  This picture was a contribution of Ruta Aldonyle from Lithuania, who’s  group studied the effect of pollution to the epithelial cells of the lungs.  The Epithelial cells are responsible for the tranferance of oxygen to the blood.  In the picture on the left, we have a cross section of a layer in the respiratory node, known as the alveoli.  To the right, we have a comparison of a healthy node (left) to a very strained, unhealthy node(right).  The unhealthy cell, shows pathogens, inflammatory mediators, macrophages, oxidants, along with others, including normal lung microbioda.


This study shows the devastating effects of air pollution and she was able to demonstrate the mitigating effects with phytochemicals of Essential oils and CBD.  Her studies showed that Pine hydrosol along with CBD helped to restore the integrity of the epithelial cells.   It was found that essential oils helped to activate the detoxing system and promote body protection mechanism, including regulating inflammation.  This study not only covered air pollution, but also the effects of smoking.

The Beautiful Conifers of Pine, Spruce, and the Melaleuca family of Niaouli, Ravintsara and Green Myrtle are great for the Respiratory system.

We won’t show a smokers lung – but just look at the microscopic cilia that is on the surface of the epithelial cells of the lungs.

    This is what we must take care of.    How to do that… always with good nutrition, plenty of good oxygen, and drinking pure water.    And.. if you are exposed to polluted air, either use a personal inhaler, or a gentle diffuser in the air for a short period of time.  Remember a little goes a long way.

Other oils that could be used are:  Tea Tree, Niaouli, Eucalyptus, and Lavender.


Here are some wonderful sprays that incorporate some of these oils, and do a great job in refreshing the air:


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