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Essential Starr

Natural Sunscreen

Natural Sunscreen

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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This natural sunscreen nourishes the skin for healthy and vibrant skin... It smells incredible... Safe to use with children and sensitive skin... Sooooo nourishing and yummy!

This natural sunscreen not only nourishes, but it does provide a physical barrier with the zinc oxide, and the SPF factor of the Red Raspberry, and Coconut butter.

Directions: Gently Massage into the Skin for the Ultimate Natural Skin Protection

Ingredients: Virgin Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Helio Carrot, Red Raspberry Seed Oil, Beeswax, Calendula Oil, Vitamin E, Zinc Oxide, and Pure Essential Oils of Vanilla, Lavender, Frankincense, and Patchouli.

Note: Natural sunscreen is not used in the same way commercial sunscreens are used. This formulation is a firm cream, that will be rubbed on with one's fingers, providing a light covering to the skin...  It will take longer to apply, and will add a light physical barrier by way of the zinc.  However, direct sunbathing, in the high exposure times with natural sunscreen may have a burning effect, this is when we encourage one to either not be in the sun at those times or use an additional physical cover - ie.  SPF clothing: -- sun protection clothing.  Natural Sunscreen does your part in protecting our coral reefs.

Also Note:  

It can help defray some of the effects of the sun,  and one the best way is to 1) cover up with hats, and shirts, 2)  avoid the direct sun from 10 am to 3 pm, and avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals found in commercial sunscreens.   

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