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Essential Starr

Red Tide Relief

Red Tide Relief

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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As strong as the effect is on our aquatic friends, the Red Tide Bloom has impacted us just as strong via the airborne contaminants entering into our homes, office, lungs, etc.  People and pets can suffer from its effects. 

Available in two applications  -10 ml  Red Tide Diffuser Blend
                                                 1 oz.  Red Tide Spray. 

The most important is a diffuser blend -- that you can use in your rooms and near your bed to help counteract the airborne microbes and mitigate the effect in your lungs. I have also created a mist that can be carried with you and sprayed as needed.  Position your diffusor near the bed.  Add 10 drops to the water in the diffuser, and diffuse away.
Both blends are made with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. They are safe in these forms for the environment.  I do not suggest you put it on your skin, or spray in the eyes, as it will be irritating.

Ingredients: Essential oils of Eucalyptus Radiata, Thyme, Cadjeput, Lemon, Myrtle, French Lavender, and Cedarwood.  The Diffuser Blend is in a base of jojoba, and the spray is in a base of Wahtah hand grain alcohol.. 

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