During these intensely changing times, we are faced with challenges and crisis beyond our expectations on both a personal and business level. Often these situations can seem so overwhelming, that it may be difficult to function, leaving one feeling dis-empowered, out of control, and often burdened with grief. If we find ourselves spinning like a top and disconnected from our center, shutting down - our actions fall short, and we seem to continue to gain momentum in our spin. How do we stop and get present to the power we have within?
One very powerful way is through one of the most powerful sensory systems we have: smell. Yes, this is right! This sense is 10,000 times more powerful than any of our other senses, and it responds instantly.
In this scenario, utilizing the fragrance of Frankincense, will immediately bring us back into the center of our being, then followed by the essence of Black Spruce which has a binding effect on emotions. As we begin to gather up our emotions, we can begin to view from a clearer vantage point. It also helps boost self-esteem and self-confidence while banishing feelings of helplessness. It is particularly effective combined with Atlas Cedar. Black Spruce also protects the lungs and guards against colds and flues. Using Black Spruce as the primary note in your blend for overwhelming situations provides a gentle and subtle form of healing. It can also be used with Rescue Remedy. The clarity, grounding, energy, and confidence provided by the oil is restorative and empowering to anyone in crisis or in a challenge. Enjoy!