Water is one of the most critical elements in health and wellness, and the way in which hydrosols are captured, through the distillation process, the water becomes structured. Structured water stores energy, much like a battery. It, therefore, enhances hydration and cell-to-cell communication. This happens naturally in nature, and hydrosols capture that...Water itself is truly medicine. Hydrosols coming from specific plants in the steam distillation process offer the purity of structured water, with the delightful elements of the plant medicine. These hydrosols are the homeopathy of essential oils. They are light, they can be applied anywhere, they can be drunk, sprayed into the eyes, with no harm whatsoever. It is the rehydration effects of the water with the vibrational effect the plant brings to the hydrosol that is gentle and powerful to shift the terrain of the body system.
An example of this is the hydrosol of neroli -- will stop the jitters of too much caffeine. The hydrosol of eucalyptus can address bronchitis... In other words, hydrosols act both constitutionally and specifically to our health.
Easy to use, Especially Refreshing, a Delightful twist for Health. We can supply any number of hydrosols to help guide the terrain of the body.